was born at an early age. Abandoned by his parents on his 20th
birthday, he was forced to wander aimlessly in his neighbors
backyard. It was there that he was adopted by a pack of friendly
ground squirrels and taught the ways of small rodents. Subsisting
mainly on grass, seeds and insects, Chad grew and grew, Until one
day, the neighbor finally got sick of the huge holes Chad was
digging in his rose garden and had him leave the state. Thus in
1988, Chad moved from his home in Alaska to Sarasota, Florida where
he had the nice opportunity to learn some of the cartooning tricks
of the trade from "Hagar the Horrible" creator Dik Browne. While in
Sarasota, Chad also got to know another cartoonist that lived in the
area. That cartoonist was Mike Peters, the creator of "Mother Goose
& Grimm". It was Peters who set Chad on his current project of
"Tundra" by telling him to "draw what you know." Having grown up
throughout the state of Alaska, Chad decided that "what he knew" was
animals & nature. Because of this Chad decided to head back to
his home state. Once there, Chad began the awesome task of beating
"Tundra" into the psyche of every man, woman, child and houseplant
that roamed the four corners of the globe. From these humble
beginnings, Chad has turned his artwork into a thriving comic strip
known as Tundra. Which has been running in newspapers and
publications throughout Alaska, Canada,the lower 48, and even Europe for
the past 15 years. The Tundra Empire has grown to include 12
different books, dozens of shirt designs, many different note cards,
mouse pads, bumper stickers, and an interactive CD-ROM. In addition to drawing Tundra, Chad has also
been contracted by many companies and organizations throughout the
country for projects involving his unique style of art. Some of
these companies include the National Association of Search and
Rescue, the Alaska State Troopers and most recently, the United
States Navy.